Wednesday, January 30, 2013


This is Hadiya Pendleton,the 15 year old young lady that was fatally shot in Chicago. This story is extremely sad as well as ridiculous! It really breaks my heart to know that someone would kill someone with such a bright future ahead of them! They did even give her a chance to experience life to the fullest! I totally understand that this was apart of the Will of God and that i have to accept what God allows but most of the time its hard for you stay focused on the Will of God when so many young lives are being taken. Some of these children will never even see their kindergarten graduation let alone a High School graduation. These are some of the things that blow my mind but i know that God has a lesson for all of us to learn through these tragic situations.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

"The Funnies"

I came across this picture on Facebook and i thought it was super funny! lol

Alicia Keys - Brand New Me

This song spoke volumes to me when i first heard it. The space i've been in for the last few years have been evolving me into the women people see right now and i still have so much more to learn. Alicia Keys has no idea that she was singing  about my life when she recorded this song. She put it so simple and i love it! Although she speaks of a coming out of a relationship and becoming a new woman...thats only part of my story. Music truly speaks to me and this song gave me life!


Life has a funny way of taking us up and down on a constant. Sometimes it gets hard to catch our breath do to the constant sprint. During those ups and downs how many times do we take our hands off those situations and allow God to do his thing? God is constantly telling us to cast our cares upon him and he will give us strength (Psalms 55:22) yet we still try to work out situations on our own. Once you totally release every situation to him whether or not its good or bad and allow him to move on your behalf, life will becomes a little easier to handle. I was looking for quotes about life and i found one that really helped me this morning so i thought i would share it with you all.. “Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”― Dr. Seuss Have a blessed day!

Thursday, January 24, 2013

"The Product (A Closer Look) "

I was born on December 20, 1987 to Larry and Lynell Harper @ Jefferson Hospital. My parents loved me and cared for me to the best of their ability the few years i was with them. No i wasn't adopted; My mother passed when i was about 5 yrs. old and once my mom passed my dad went on a long vaca of his own. Although i didn't have my biological parents around i never lacked in love, i never went hungry, i always had clothes on my back and a warm bed to sleep in. On July 4, 2012 i finally reunited with my father after over 18 years. When i first saw my dad all i could do was smile and the years of questions and anger i had for him seem extremely small in that moment. One thing that i have learned is FORGIVENESS, which is key when rebuilding a relationship after so many years. (Luke 17:3-4). Since my 1st visit with my dad we've grown a lot closer and I finally ask him one question; ME:" Daddy did you and Mama not love us kids enough to stop doing drugs?" and his response to me was: We loved y'all but the drugs were just more in control at those times" Tears started to flow and all i could do was appreciate his honesty but I truly thank God that i was never one of those kids who blamed everything i did wrong on the fact that I didn't have parents around when I was growing up or the fact that my parents did drugs. Now trust and believe that my life hasn't always been peaches and cream; yes i've had my truly down moments when i just wish i could talk to my mom or dad but God has alway been there to sustain me through any and all adversity. (Psalms 46:1)

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

"Confidence "

My Philosophy has become: Love God, Love yourself and then you can give Love to others. When God made you, he made you unique and different yet still in his image. Never allow anyone or anything bring you down or have you lacking self-esteem (1Peter 2:9). Remember your the beez-neez and no one can beat you at being you!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

"Focal Point"

Often times we allow anything to distract us from the Will of God and the things he wants us to do to fulfill his Will. Obedience is Key in the will of God (2John 1:6) and when you obey the things God tells you to do it becomes easier to remain focused. This is a daily practice that i recommend everyone to try! Since i've been working at this method in life it's becoming a lot easier to understand the things around me.

Monday, January 21, 2013


I was going into an email that i received from Curtis J. Benjamin the CEO/Author of the organization "Saving Our Daughters" and as i got to the bottom of his response this quote from world renounced poet/author Dr.Maya Angelou that really pulled at my heart. I see the younger generations of little girls and young ladies and it hurts my heart to see some of the choices they make. When will you as a woman stand up, reach out and help these young lady that are lost and just need some help or some encouragement to get up and do better. “I want to encourage young girls to hold on. These may be horrible days, but please believe they will pass away.” ~ Dr. Maya Angelou from Who Will Save the Little Girl? If you want to make a difference here an organization you can join and lend a hand: TAKE THE OATH TODAY!

"Email from the President"

Any time Mr. President! lol

We Salute Greatness

January 21st all around the United States is considered "Martin LUther King DAy"/ A DAy of Service, with that being said What are you doing to help your community or your fellow man? Get up and make a difference no matter how small of a task it may be! From a simple hug to feeding the homeless; Make A Difference not just today but from this day forward!

Welcome Back

Re-Introducing our President Barack H. Obama!!!! #2Terms #MLKDAY #Change

Making a Statement

Fashion Tip: Always be who you are in your style of dress...don't be afraid to stand out and express yourself through fashion.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Say Cheese

I believe the more you smile the better you feel and the better you look...

Making your "DREAM" a Reality!!!

Whatever you have the heart to do( as long as it's positive lol).. DO IT!!! Don't worry about what others may think about you. That one thought may lead to something Great!





In Honor of all you weird hearts heres the Queen of Weird/ different! Lady Gaga is not afraid to be just who she is! Remember: #BEYOU #BEGREAT #DAREtobeDIFFERENT and know its ok to be a #WeirdoatHeart! xoxo